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Thread: Your Day
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Old 06-09-2006, 12:37 PM   #1799 (permalink)
Mama Booze
Here's lookin at you, kid
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The White Hotel
Posts: 366


Hmm. Well I didn't sleep last night, and I woke up in a cold sweat (I swear, I only fell asleep for fifteen minuet intervels and etc...), at 2:20 AM and went and drank water on the couch in the living room. I was really sad and somber because...well, it wasn't exactly a fight, but more like a...shake-up, with my...e-lover<3...some people know what I'm talking about heh...And well, then I went back to sleep, woke up feeling sick (for numerous reasons...) and since it was a half-day anyway, Mom said I didn't have to go to school...which means this is the 20th day I've missed. Oh well. I'm on the honor roll. They can kiss my ass...And then well, we went to my Granma's house (me, my mom, and my brother), I had a big cup of coffee to help me stay alert (as I said, I got no sleep.) And then I had two diet cokes, in a wine glass. Heh. And then my gran offered to watch J (my brother) while me and Mom went shopping for Dad's father's day gift(s). So we went to the mall (me and my mom)...And I was REALLY caffeign high. People must have though I was high or drunk or something (did you know it's illegal over here to be drunk in public? Not that anyone around here really gives a s**t. I would say every other person here is an alcoholic, but that's really only true in Rentler. AKA my second home. That I love. That is very amusing.)...And so I had to pee really bad by then, so my mom took me into Friendly's, but we had to buy something first (money-milking bastards! Tut tut.) So of course, I go something with even MORE caffeign in it. Etc. So then we go off to find Dad's gift. We went into Spencer's (only us, heh...) and got him boxers with skulls on them (he's into that.). And I got a cool dragon-pendent necklace thing (love my bling.) Made me happy...and then we went off to a shoe store (also in the mall.) to find my dad the shoes he wanted. We ended up getting him two pairs, because again, everyone out there (the shoes salesman included) are again, money-milking bastards. And then we went off (away from the mall) to the CD store, so Mom could get her CD that she wanted...They didn't have it so she got a Cheap Trick CD, which I am going to burn onto my I-pod later. I love Cheap Trick<3...

And then we headed back to my Gran's house (after about 3 hours, believe it or not.), and I get a text on my phone, that just says "Hey". And it's from my ex ( one of those ex's who will really never get away from you. And that's you'll learn in the rest of this post.) ...Apparently he had sent it during the last period of the half-day, so I called him back. We ended up talking in-depthly and having a really nice, but really bittersweet conversation. About my e-lover (who I am actually really in love with. Shut your face if you believe other wise because I'm young. Of course I'll still like you, but for God's sake, love is love. Love knows no age.). And my ex (who's name is Ty.) is very jealous of my e-lover (who's name is Dan<3), and Ty still fancy's me...And...well bottom line, we are now flirtacious best friends who love each other.

So after an actually very long conversation I had with Ty, I called back to say...

Lex: Hey, you're my best friend.
Ty: Yeah. You're mine too.
Lex: So I love ya like a best friend who flirts.
Ty: Right back at ya.
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