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Thread: THE question...
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Old 07-02-2006, 03:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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Default THE question...

So I was having a conversation with my girlfriend yesterday, brought on by a Razorlight video.

Her: Turn it off.
Me: No, I like this video, look at them dance! TEE HEE HEE!
Her: I don't like Razorlight. They are boring.
Me: They aren't very original, but they did help revive Rock n Roll in some small way.
Me: Well, they helped to bring it back into the mainstream, along with the Arctic Monkeys.
Her: That doesn't mean they revived it. That just means they have got a load of people who don't actually like Rock n Roll to listen to it, alienating those who do like it.
Me: That isn't their fault, though. The more people who listen the better!
Her: That doesn't make it better.
Me: So you're telling me that you would rather have a small bunch of people who appreciate the music, but are still a minority nonetheless, turn up to your gig than Chili's concert sized proportions of people?

Which leads me to my question... would you rather be in a band that has millions turning up to their concert, but most of those people aren't true fans they just like your most popular single or something, or would you rather be in a band that plays in small venues but to a crowd of people where everyone truly appreciates your music.
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