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Old 07-26-2006, 04:20 PM   #27 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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1. Attitude

Simply because the attitude will draw me into the music even if I haven't heard anything yet. I suppose the image could also be a part of this, but more often than not I am drawn into a band by the way they make themselves appear to everyone else and their spirit.

2. Songwriting

Although not essential to me, as I will more often than not like a song based on its tune, songwriting makes a band that much more memorable, and can define an artists style.

3. Originality

I like plenty of generic bands, but I do love a good original band (although I don't usually like overly original bands, as they confuse my inferior mind) I would like to say originality is a must for me, but judging from my tastes it just isn't the case. As long as they don't sound TOO much like everyone else then I'm okay with it.

4. Image

I can be quite the superficial person, and I still dislike the fact that I love The Smiths basically because of the image they have. An image isn't the difference between me hating and loving a band, it's the difference between me loving a band and admitting I love a band.

5. Technical Ability

I don't know my C's from my B's from my F sharps', so Technical Ability isn't needed. As long as it sounds good to my ears then I don't need any flashy guitar solos or amazing bass wankery. Just a few simple chords will do for me, as I probably won't be able to tell the difference anyway.
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