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Old 12-02-2004, 08:42 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by soundgardenrox
Ive been noticing that most ppl have and interesting taste in music in these past few years. Most ppl listen to Thrice, SOTY, Three Days Grace, Nickelback, TBS, Staind, etc... First of all what is up with u people!?!?!
Secondly, why?!?!

I know the American fanbase for rock isnt that stupid and easily tricked?!?! Or is it?!?! im not sure anymore! Rock in America was something to be proud about but now its a joke, a freakin joke! The last good movement we had was the Seattle/alternative rock movement, which was awesome! Even back in the 80's when hair metal ruled rock n' roll at least we were pride full of it ( maybe a little too pridefull, when u see a guy imitating a guy whose actually is imitating a herman, then u know you've got problems)

Anyways, my point is what is up with these crappy bands!!! We need a new movement of rock and it needs to happen now!!! WE need this crappy rock, and this b/s emo/ pop-punk to be destroyed!!! It sounds pretty synester, i know, but America, you've dragged yourself into a big hole and now u must climb right out it. It's really sad to see rock like this. Now there's only a few quality bands out there now, we need more than just a few, we need a lot!
We need another Zeppelin, or Nirvana, or even another Sex Pistols!
Im an emo hater, but i can admit with pride. I hate emo, i dont think it deserves to be around as a genre or as music. But unfortuantely it is there. Like George Bush, he's there but we can still do something about it! Protest!!!!!! Fight for your right!!!!!! and support quality bands!!!! For those in need of dyer help then listen to:

Led Zeppelin, The Who, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Social Distortion, Velvet Revolver, Audioslave, A Perfect Circle, RATM, Tool, Afghan Whigs, Love Battery, Neil Young, Sonic Youth, Black Flag, Love Battery, Mad Season, Miles Davis, John Coltrane (those 2 guys r jazz but really freaking good!) Mother Love Bone, Melvins, The Vaselines, STP, thats about it i guess thats enough for starters.

go look up these bands and listen to them and enjoy....
I have an answer to your question sort of. Not all people listen to the crappy **** like Nickelback and Good Charlotte. People that dont know anything about good rock music just listen to mainstream bands like that. I agree that we need a few less pop rock bands and a few more Nirvanas and Rages or anything original like that. Although there are some good new rock bands in my opinion like: Interpol, The Liberines, and Franz Ferdinand.
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