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Thread: Your Day
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Old 08-05-2006, 10:07 PM   #2600 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 1,531

Today has been kinda long

I woke up took a shower and went out to hang with some friends. We tried to play some songs but a lot of our new stuff apparently didn't meet our expectations.
So we did some shopping and whatnot.
we went down tot he festival pier and saw gnarles barkley. we stayed for a good deal of the performance and it was great. Loads of fun and we saw some of our classmates too which was great.
We went to Rita's water ice as well.

I went to my mom's. I saw two of my younger siblings. haven't seen them in about a year and i was shocked to see how much they've grown. My younger sister is taller than me.
My mom gave me some money and a hug. She asked me to ask rob if he was willing to come over sometime during the week and help her rearrange furniture. I said I'd ask him but there was no guarantee. end of that conversaton.

me and my friend went back to my house and my boyfriend caught a bad case of the sniffles which is weird considering the kinda weather we've been having. And strangely enough his dad is sick as well. His mom called and I stupidly offered to make some chicken noodle soup and bring it over.

Then my friend helped me wash and rinse the dye out of my hair and then i tried to get started on chicken soup and i realized i had no idea what it was. well iknew what ti was but i didn't know how to make it.

I asked so many people and everyone said something different.

I finally made some soup. And rob'smom came and got it. and left about two minutes later. a first.
I woke rob up to take a bath and he made it to the tub and fell asleep in it.
Sometime after he got out of the tub and into bed he noticed my hair. he was sleep but he kept rambling on abut my hair for about 10 minutes. It was pretty funny.

I managed to do some laundry and i went shopping online for some books and whatever.

I talked to my older sister and she choked when she heard my voice. apparently I've been avoiding the family for a while and didn't know it
At any rate, in about a month she's gonna make me an aunt. My turn to choke.

Rob woke up not too long ago. I fed him some soup and egg rolls. and rice noodles.

and I'm here. And I'm blowing drying me hair as well. Although it's taking me longer than usual because i'm sweating so much because of this damned heat.

And that's about it
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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