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Old 08-11-2006, 07:38 PM   #18 (permalink)
Shadow on the wall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 823

number 1:
how long have you been here? 10 months

number 2:
how long are you planning on being here? no idea.

number 3:
who was the oddest, yet coolest person on MB when you joined? Dirt

number 4:
who is now the coolest person in your opinion? pass

number 5:
what makes you stay here? Haven't thought about it.

number 6:
is this place just a addiction for nerds? Music nerds, yes.

number 7:
are the only true nerds on forums MODS? No. Except for that Merkaba dude.

number 8:
what do you think of MB now compared to what you thought when you first joined? It's the same, but different

number 9:
name the part of the forum where you spend most of your time? Lounge mostly.

number 10:
name the part of the forum that you love to hate? Peolpe who are banned constantly, but keep returning under other names.

number 11:
do you wish MB was a different color? if so name them. No.

number 12:
do you want to be a mod? No, I've neither the patience nor time.

number 13:
what kind of person do you think makes a mod? someone who is prepared to scroll the pages of crap.

number 14:
do you realize that you more then likely you will never be a mod? And I care, why?

number 15:
are you apart of other forums, if so are they better or worse then this one?
if on many then just say better or worse.. don't go into long boring details. Same

number 16:
whats most annoying about this forum? MB. Questionaires

number 17:
do you find it annoying that there's 100's of acounts yet there's only a random few that actually post offten? Not at all.

number 18:
if your a everyday poster, do you find it annoying when you go to 'new posts' over and over and no one has posted? No

number 19:
how can this forum be improved? Ban all threads about Dream Theater.

number 20:
how can you help this forum improve? Not post anymore?

number 21:
do you think at the bottem of each page in every thread, that it should say who's in the thread? Never look anyway

number 22:
are you able to answer me when I ask what happened to bar at the bottom of each thread that says who's in the thread with you? Maybe.
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