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Old 08-20-2006, 09:14 AM   #47 (permalink)
Guitar Doctor
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Originally Posted by thebassistX
so what if u cant play chords on bass? chords are the easist thing on the guitar anyway...mastering bass and guitar are about the same anything the guitar can do the bass can do (except chords) ..its just a lil harder cuz the strings are bigger and the frets are bigger.....
also the playing concepts of bass and guitar are different the guitar is meant to add to a piece and make the song sound better where as the bass is meant to be a support and ground for the band......j
just cuz u can pull of crzy riffs on guitar dont mean u can come up wit a good groove on the bass

Anyway, you can do many things with the guitar you can't with the bass.
The Bass is generally considered a rythm section instrument, the whole Idea of a bass is to keep the basic time and groove to the song, not to do crazy solo's and all that.
Country: Guitar playing alternating Basslines
Shred: Basically the same
Jazz: This is the part where chords come in, you say chords are the easiest thing? You are an idiot if you truly believe this, although Jazz Bassists are generally considered skillful, looking at Tony Levin and Jaco.
Rock: The Guitar is definetely the dominant instrument here

Going right through to the Blues and Classical, the guitar is far more versatlie when you think about it.
And yes many things you can do on guitar you can do on bass, but what's the point in that? They are different instruments, basically the guitar has a higher range than the bass, Built differently, to a specific way, is it not stupid to compare the two?

Anyway, the guitar is the harder instrument, none of this ****e about thicker strings and wider frets
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