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Old 09-05-2006, 02:46 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Hot-lanta
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Wow, we got some good ones lately.

I left my best friend alone at a party of about 150 strangers to have sex with my fiance in my car.

And I'm constantly having sex without any protection but I tell my friends I am because I dont want them giving me bull****. I think pulling out is fairly effective until I can go on birth control.
I got moved up a couple of grades at school because I got real high scores in all of the tests. The real reason I got such high scores was that my History teacher, Mr. O'Shea, was giving me answer sheets for all the tests in return for favors.
Last December I ODed on aspirin and IB prophen[sp]. The only reason I'm not dead is because the aspirin made throw up all night. I'm not one the mopey members so you won't be able to guess who this is.
I once got imvolved in a drug deal to provide a large amount of marijauna, worth a serious amount of money to an offshore location.
I was to provide a carrier to deliver the stuff given to me by some serious individuals.
The people I chose to deliver had the stuff in the wheel trims of a car.
I got a phone call saying the car had been stolen outside a bar tthe night before iot was to be delivered.
Straight away I knew they lied and intended to keep the stuff to sell themselves.
I contacted serious people to deal with them hoping they would believe me.
It ended with one of the carriers getting shot in the leg and to this day still see him limping around.
I feel guilty,but it was him or me.
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