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Old 11-23-2006, 06:31 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Larry D. Crawford (Proffesor of Sociology, Moorehouse College)
Yet we practice the European model of a racial hierarchy. And, having adopted it, any value we believe we independently, consciously or not, attach to different complexions in our community is merely a pathetic imitation of its racist beliefs at the societal level. So, in this new age of consciousness raising it must be realized that we cannot embrace a color-based hierarchy among Afrikans without, at some level, accepting as truth a hierarchy of color among humans. There is no denying that the social organization of our community along lines of color precisely mimics the order fabricated by white supremacy. Black America (Afrikans) serves as a classic microcosm in white supremacy’s global macrocosm. The only appreciable difference is that we "discriminate" without power.
I'll try to cite and post as many of these as I can find, so that people can at least realize that it is not universally accepted that Prejudice=Racism and through the reading of other opinions they can form a better opinion for themselves, as it is hard to form a solid opinion when only one side of the story is being represented.
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