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Thread: Geeks Unite
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Old 12-30-2004, 01:19 PM   #21 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Sussex, UK
Posts: 90

I was considered a geek when I was at school, probably because I always got good grades and didn't get in trouble. People would try to take the piss but I didn't give a damn. However, I had the advantage of being good at sports (this counts for a lot at school), having hobbies outside school and being confident in who I was.

I was captain of the basketball team, played for the year above in football (soccer) and cricket and was on the rugby team. I raced go-karts outside of school and had a part-time job working with race cars. I was also good at (and enjoyed) using and building computers (probably another reason I was considered a geek).

It's quite amusing looking at what the 'popular' kids at school are doing now. Most are still living at home and work in supermarkets. I'm just about to graduate with a Masters in Computer Systems Engineering, I have two jobs working with race cars and rent a house with a few mates.

What's the moral of the story? There's no shame in being a geek. Enjoy who you are and what you do and let everyone else worry about the popularity contest, it really isn't worth the hassle.


PS This quote seems quite apt, I'm not sure who it's from but...

"Be nice to geeks and nerds, you'll be working for them in later life."
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