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Old 01-06-2007, 02:21 AM   #27 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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Dear stupid Americans,

Don't worry too much about how the Europeans view the average American.
After all, there is a good reason for the 'average American' perspective of the the world. You have everything you need within your own borders, much like the British.
The only difference being, the British share a close proximity to other 'alien' cultures (as is the case for the other Euros...obviously), which despite our best efforts to ignore, predictably, continue to seep through into our collective consciousness.
The fact that a vast stretch of water known as the Atlantic separates our continents, is a major playing factor.
Your land is already a melting pot of world cultures, fashioned in a modern and new way, with the future in mind.
Most Europeans would give their high teeth to live in the U.S.

The fact is, you are the same...but different.

Yours condescendingly,

An arrogant European.

Credentials: An autographed football, signed by Eric Cantona and a photograph of a man with a dead horse.
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