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Old 01-06-2007, 03:54 AM   #107 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I'm tired of the seattle sound being called grunge, for one if you knew anything about seattle you would know the current sound is that spazzy hardcore blood brothers, red light sting thing n00b.

Also grunge isn't a genre, it was a trend. Seriously most 'grunge' bands have nothing in common except seattle, the 90s, and flannel.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

You can reach this conclusion simply by taking the "big 4" themselves. You don't have to dig any deeper than that, for heaven's sake!

Pearl Jam's sound is more reminiscent of old school, classic rock than anything the other big grunge acts came up with.

Nirvana were the almost weird misfits of the movement, their sound being arguably closer to punk than anything in the Seattle alt rock scene.

As for Soundgarden and Alice In Chains, then much of their material would be better termed "metal". They had a distinctly darker, heavier, metallic sound.

At any rate, the four bands don't really have any particular "trademark" sound in common. And neither does the grunge label.

Even if one tries (as many do) to come up with some characteristic elements of grunge music, I then guarantee that you'll find that Pearl Jam, at least, don't fit it.
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