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Old 01-06-2007, 04:53 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Well the reason Iran doesn't think we listen to them is because the western idea of development is a strongly secular one. And we continue to inpose our western views on the muslim community so there will never be democracy. But the great thing about Iran is that their not some backwater country with no voice. Ahmadinejad is intelligent and more than cognisent of how the world works. A cleric 3 weeks ago roughly said 'we won't stop the Nuclear program because its a sign of weakness and the U.S. does not respect weakness." Their right, if they did we'd go in and impose our own dictator. But the Iranians would welcome a U.S. invasion because anyone worth their salt in the post cold war era knows you mobalize the third world amsses with religeon and religeon only. Even the idea of human rights is not universal. And because of this, when we have rocket scientists like Karen Hughes go over there and say things like "I want Iranian women driving without veils" well, you're going to get resentment to democracy and the west ten fold. You can't have democracy synonamous with secular americanism.

Thats really why they won't listen...

Crowe - I am having fun, I just think that Adiadasss is non-stop with his anti-american swipes and its least this will funciton as a lighting rod. I remain civil in other posts.

DRMO - Fair enough, I see your point.
I've moved to a new address
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