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Old 01-09-2007, 09:03 AM   #226 (permalink)
Slavic gay sauce
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Originally Posted by DontRunMeOver View Post
I thought that too, its a pretty glaring flaw in their logic. Also, any couple who choose not to have kids whether infertile or not should have their marriage annulled (by law ) if this logic were applied thoroughly.

And if this statement "The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State." is important to them, shouldn't they be focussing on re-outlawing divorce (as, regardless of how it may improve people's lives it is technically allowing the 'family unit' to break up) rather than banning gay marriage? Ignoring adoption, a married *** couple who don't produce their own offspring isn't some kind of damaged family unit. It's a two-person family unit.

EDIT: And why is the word 'gay' still blocked? Aaarrgh.
This is where hypocracy kicks in, they're perfectly aware of the fact that in a civil society divorce is sanctioned yet they justify not allowing gay people to marry implicitly ( if not explicitly as in Croatia for instance, I won't even go into the bullshit my parliamentary representatives spouted out whilst discussing gay marriage ) by turning to the Bible. If gay marriage is a travesty and unnatural, then so is divorce, at least in the eyes of God, so why does the civil state allow it??
Let's face it, the institution of marriage means very little in America if there is about a 50% divorce rate. Britney Spears can have a one day marriage, but serious and mature gay couples are not allowed about travesty.

I personally don't believe in marriage, you don't need a piece of paper to justify your love for another, but there are some serious rights that come from being married and are denied to homosexuals, such as, the right to decide on medical treatment, the right not to testify against your partner in a court of law, then there's the whole heritability issue, healthcare insurance etc....

Edit: I seriously don't know why I bother trying to have a serious discussion on a fucking kiddy forum...
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