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Old 01-15-2007, 06:08 PM   #440 (permalink)
Pepper Emergency!
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Yes it does sound like a singles collection, but I don't see how the hell that can be anything other than a compliment,

It's not cohesive. Therefore, although pretty much all of the songs are very good, I don't think it's so great of an album. The tracks could have been in a completely different order and the effect would be the same, therefore structurally, it's not really a piece of art like the others. It seems like the songs were recorded and compiled without any thought as to assembling songs that worked well together as a unit. That's not terribly surprising, since the album was only just starting to take off as a distinctive statement of the artist's style and intent, rather than a collection of songs being released on one disc when Experienced came out. Jimi caught on to the trend pretty quickly anyway.

An example of my point: Exile on Main Street is often considered the Stones best album, but most would agree it doesn't have any individual songs that stand equal to "Sympathy for the Devil" or "Gimme Shelter". The level of an album's quality should be measured in how well all of the songs fit together.

I like how this thread is suddenly taking a new direction.
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