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Thread: Your Day
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Old 01-17-2007, 08:33 PM   #4601 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: New Zealand
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Oh sweet! Ukemi* I think is how it's spelt, but not meaning to nitpick, how was it? Did it hurt much doing the rolls? I'm going to training in about half an hour, I haven't been since early December though so tonight could be interesting

This week has been so sweet, tramped through a cave thats about 500m long with waist high water and if you turn off your torch you can't see your hand 5cm from your face, the water was pretty rapid in places too. About half way through theres these really narrow tunnels, think like the size of the hole in the top of your clothes washing machine and then make it smaller, it's not for the claustrophobic haha you couldn't even lean on your elbows it was that tight. Then I treked about 7 k through bush and river to some site where we stayed for the night, hiked up some hill the next morning, sat up there in the clouds, then came back down.

Today was spent on a high ropes course, which is just awesome for heights, scaled some rock climbing wall that was set up high off the ground and ran blindfolded accross this rickety bridge. Awesome week, and a big sleep in tomorrow
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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