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Old 02-19-2007, 01:11 AM   #47 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
See , this is the kind of arrogant Tool fan propaganda that i`ve had to listen to for the past 10 years and is exactly what I was talking about. Like somehow it`s MY fault because I have not listened to them properly or enough times to see what is so brilliant about what they do.

Personally I happen to like Radiohead , now I realise there are people who don`t like them , and I can see why. I can understand that people might think Thom Yorkes vocals are a bit whiney , I can understand if people are put off by the electronica that they do now as opposed to the guitar rock they used to be known for. I don`t start making excuses how it`s their own fault for not listening to them enough or they`re not listening to them properly (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean).

I like how you say 'Of course there are exceptions'. I would suggest the number of people who don`t like them AND have given them a listen is a lot more higher than you might think.
Well... you didn't read my post. I started by saying, "even though I agree that few people will end up liking Tool much". That is to say, even if they do give them a fair listen, most'll probably end up not liking them too much because of other reasons stated.

My point was largely incidental; it was not related to the argument. And it is simply that most of those who attack Tool (and ANY OTHER BAND, for that matter) have generally never given that band's whole discography a fair go. It makes sense, as there is only so much time available to each individual, but nevertheless, it is true. And that goes for whether or not they'd ultimately end up liking the band, had they bothered; that much, there's no way of telling.
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