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Old 03-03-2007, 03:07 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by swimintheundertow View Post
^I have a good guess it's in croatian. Well that was my guess. I'd say let once slide and anything after say not cool. If they still do it after you say it bothers you then they're not that great of a friend.
Yeah, well during the argument, she had jabbed me saying something along the lines of "I'm not really sure about that (it doesn't matter what it was), but should I comment anyways like you do sometimes?" which is what TEFBFH uses as the principle argument against me. Now that stung a response was (half jokingly) "that was totally uncalled for!". But then after that she continued to side with him, which wouldn't have been so big of a problem if she hadn't actually ridiculed me (I go nuts when someone tries to do that)....which you know, is rather uncool. I mean, I know I'm a drama queen, but when it comes to friends, I tend to completely trust them not to insult me in front of can say what you like to me in private, but doing it in front of others, especially when she knows I hate that guys guts....I don't know, I honestly can't judge the situation, all I know is I feel a bit let down by her, somehow, and I can't deny that it stung. Now if I say something, she's gonna write it off as me being an oversensitive bitch (which I am but still), or say "lighten up" or whatever.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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