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Old 03-10-2007, 04:44 AM   #42 (permalink)
ArtistInTheAmbulance's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: cornwailles, angleterre.
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i have these recurring dreams. but only the general idea is recurring.
not the exact same dream each night.
so basically, its always revolved around babies or death.

i have this one where i have to look after this baby, but its not mine & i can.. sense that its evil? sounds dumb, but its like. you dont wanna look at the baby or touch it really, but youve gotta do all this looking after it crap & all that.. carry it around & stuff. & theyre those kind of dreams that you can feel everything in it as though its real, so when i wake up, i can recall EXACTLY what it feels like to hold this evil baby & its pretty unsettling.

then from there on in they get more & more hideous in time. like right now, the baby dreams have kinda turned into this horrific dead baby thing. so basically, i have these two newborn babies, & this time theyre mine, only before i get to hold them , this friend of mine that died a while back turns up, grabs the babies, throws them both against the wall like REALLY hard, & they obviously die. only when they die, they turn to the same substance that these things are made of, squidgy & limp & generally really horrid to touch. & so i go pick up my two dead babies off the floor, & hold them close to me like you would any newborn babies, but like. i dunno. its just horrid & really really unsettling, i kinda never sleep much anymore, haha.

& everyones all "OMG GO DOCTORS LOLZ" but no.

woosh. why type so much? i dont know.

theres about... 10 different dreams i guess? all around the same idea. kinda interweave a lot. pretteh fun, gotta say =/
shake your wings like theyre laced with sound!

Last edited by ArtistInTheAmbulance; 03-10-2007 at 08:02 AM.
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