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Old 03-13-2007, 05:18 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Joplin, MO
Posts: 468

I'm not quite sure I understood this one
When you scream, scream for peace
but all that answers you,
is your habitual diease
To me, it means that no matter how much a person might want peace in the world, it's not going to matter to a lot of people who care about little more than (capitalism)
but its your right as a person
its your god given gift
to assume you know the people
to look through andddddddddd sift
hmmm, not sure, sift through their emotions? sift through their vibes? I do that sometimes

Gb G5 Gb G5
but didnt he once say peace is a desired pasture
Gb G5
as we lay in and graze
Gb G5
to forget the diaster
I don't know who *he* is, but that gives it a sense of mystery
then their was you
such a positive youth
before you knew the answers
d b
before you knew. you knew the truth
I thought about how, when I was a child, there were certain people I didn't trust, didn't want to trust. As you get older, you try to tell yourself you can trust people, and you just have to learn to play the game. But, before you learned about all the rules and how some people want to be lied to, and mistreated, before that you just had your instincts, and maybe some people would be better to just trust their instincts, and forget the game.
g5 a5
all i need is an answer of faith
g5 b5 (continue with cords)
to know the next person wont just look at my face
but try to find out what they can learn
by looking for the people that dosnt hold concern
I may have misconstrued it, but it seemed like you were saying you want people to not be so judgmental and place labels, but then you sarcastically said, 'nah, that doesn't hold concern,' because in a world where so many people care much about themselves and their inner family and don't have a great worldly concern, they say, nah I don't see how that can help me. They're only discarding their own heart, which probably wasn't that big to begin with.
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