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Old 04-16-2007, 04:08 PM   #120 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by Snickers View Post
In my own argument:
There might in fact be a diety, but why does it have to be all-powerful, omnipotent, and perfect?
I agree!

Lets look up what a deity is...
1 a : the rank or essential nature of a god : DIVINITY b capitalized : GOD 1, : SUPREME BEING
2 : a god or goddess <the deities of ancient Greece>
3 : one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful
We've already thrown out number as GOD is an all powerful being, which makes no sense.

For number 2 we'll need to define "god" and "goddess" which I'll get to later.

Number three doesn't mean much. Basically any person or thing that is hyped as being good or powerful enough is a deity. This is a pretty ignorable definition as far as creationism is concerned unless you want to discuss how all life came from second generation console gaming systems.

So what does god mean? Time to ask Webster again...

1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
3 : a person or thing of supreme value
4 : a powerful ruler
Number one we just debunked. All powerful is nonsensical.

Number two denotes is "believed" to. This wording is very iffy and could easily mean "anything that you want to be a god is a god." Once we get into the "specifically" part we further this idea. "One controlling a particular aspect of reality" literally means that since I am controlling a message on the internet which is real and thus part of reality that I am a god, by this token there are a lot of gods. The second definition doesn't help said stance any.

The third definition is right on par with it. If I hold myself to great value I am a god. I am a god twice. Hooray me.

The fourth is even wackier. Hitler was a god.

In short, the best conclusive definition we can come up with for deity is "something of value and or power that may or may not be worshiped." This is ultimately no help as it neither proves nor debunks the intelligent design theory, just that if something greater did make us that it could be considered a deity or a god, but by definition is not God. God does not exist, a god could possibly exist or have existed.

On the other hand I disbelieve in the theory of intelligent design. As of right now science is pointing more toward abiogenesis and evolution being more plausible. That is not to say that intelligent design has been disproven, rather that microevolution from non-intelligent (not quite lifeless, the term abiogenesis is quite misleading) lead into macroevolution. In either case scientists are still on the search and I'm sure something will come about sooner or later.
A diety could also mean many things, too many people imagine a human male, thanks to Christianity.
If I'm going to worship it she better have some damn fine feet.

Last edited by The Unfan; 04-16-2007 at 04:18 PM.
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