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Thread: English grammar
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Old 05-22-2007, 09:59 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
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Thats really your loss then, isn't it. Awfully mad for someone who seems to be dismissive of the whole thing. Almost as if you're mad you can't read through. If you don't like poor spelling, perhaps you should leave the internet.

Those perturbed by poor spelling might find yourselves in a bit of hypocrisy down the road. I'd be less virtuous on my stand against it. Those slighted by this post may see fit to redeem themselves by exposing a more harsh reality. Half of you that do spell correctly have very little if anything interesting to say. You chant simple maxims and common mantras that are as conformed as your spelling.

I use to be of the mind that I would give you some sympathies in your complaint, because occasionally its valid, but I find that you're closed minded in most of your views and your failure to compromise is just as ignorant, if not more so that poor grammar.

Spelling can be fixed (just like erroneous opinions might I add), poor intellect and intellectual bankruptcy cannot. You all have your flaws. Taking a righteous stand against someone else's flaw might be bad for business in your internet popularity game. And my use of righteous isn't haphazard, people who continue to have this stance will be referred to, at least by me, as oojayhadists.

I know I crack myself up, but seriously, not since Napoleon have the political insults been that well crafted. I mean come on, thats right up there with "idealouges."
I've moved to a new address
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