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Old 01-26-2005, 08:51 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jonah
3. Meat is not good for you.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the latest meat recall in 2004 obtained 497,000 pounds of beef, which were feared of contamination with E. Coli, just one of the bacteria associated with animals. The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention claimed that illnesses caused by meat are responsible for about 325,000 hospitalizations, and approximately 5,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. Since meat is loaded with saturated fats, cholesterol and toxins, it contributes to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even increases the risk for Alzheimer’s. Obesity is next to smoking, as the leading cause of death in the United States. Many people only take into consideration the morbidly obese people, but the truth is, almost 40% of children and 2 out of 3 adults are over weight for their age, height, and body mass.

Ever see this movie yet? The truth on fast food. Learn something.

My personal opinion for not eating meat. It was easy for me to not eat meat because I've always been a picky eater. I don't eat eggs, milk, or seafood of any kind because I never liked them growing up... I learned that most of our leather import comes from India, and they normally use cow hide, unless they run out, then they have to result in alternative hides...meaning leather could contain the skin of dogs and cats from Asia. Yes, it says Genuine Leather, but it doesn't tell you exactly what kind of hide you're wearing. Think about that.

Yes, some of you will disagree with me on some things....thats fine. I'm not saying everyone should stop eating meat...I don't expect that either. Some people who are unfortunate, and live in poor conditions will have to eat meat to survive. However, those of use who are fortunate, have the opportunity and technology to produce alternative foods, and soy products, all of which I am thankful for.

Go here to learn more, and click on "Why Vegan". Get Informed.
The E-coli wasn't from the meat itself but from the procecer of it, and yah so what about obesity, has nothing to do with eating meat it has to do with getting off your fat ass. The fast food thing, no **** everyone already knew that it was bad for them. That guy was just a ****in idiot for trying that.P.s. I quit eating red meat along time ago, not because i'm against it , but because i thought i could be healthier without it. Man i love the taste of steak. It's hard not to eat it.
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