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Old 07-06-2007, 02:31 PM   #20 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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Lennon and McCartney were both time travellers and travelled forward in time to rip off Noel Gallagher and his music.
John Lennon (real name Jan Sebastian Stridethorpe) changed his name by deed poll in 1959, after Liam's son of the same name.

Yoko Ono is a man.

Ringo Starr is an alien indigenous to the planet 'Bignose', situated in the outer reaches of the Alpha Beta constellation.
Other 'Bignose' noteworthy's are; Ronnie Wood, Rod Stewart, Pete Townsend and Roger Waters.
Pete Doherty, also a former inhabitant, underwent plastic surgery to reduce the size of his nose on December 28th 1986, following a bizzare gardening accident at the age of 6.

Jimi Hendrix wasn't left handed, despite popular opinion.
He was in fact "mirror envisioned", a rare affliction effecting only 1 in 42,000 million people.
Consequently, all his guitar solos are played backwards, perpetuating the myth that all his music was way ahead of it's time.

Mick Jagger had Marianne Faithfull's virgina grafted onto his lips, following her unreported death during the infamous Mars Bar incident of February 1967.
An unknown source close to Jagger reported that Jagger once commented on his odd choice of memorium, saying, "It was either that, or a tattoo maaaaaaan".
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