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Thread: Thc
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Old 07-07-2007, 02:10 PM   #2 (permalink)
you are freakin out, man
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: ajax, ontario
Posts: 129

hey man... finally someone wrote a song with some worthwhile topics... relationships? tragedy? emotions? CANNABIS? biggity bam what a rush... It started out good, but then it deteriorates into "gangsta" cliches and seemingly purposeless use of urban slang. It's not that the flow is bad, or the words themselves are in any way copied or stolen, but man, i've heard all this **** before. One treachorous rap trap you seem to fall into sometimes is going for easy rhymes. I mean, sometimes the line needs it for flow or whatever, but other times its just unnecessary, it seems alot of the song could just use a bit more creative/original thought and maybe (good golly) something new to say about rap and hip-hop in general. Another thing i don't understand is how an artist called THC could be so aggressive. Yeah, poppin caps can be pretty cool, but certainly NOT the weapon kind... and not until we spark this **** first... Why don't you talk about counting out change at a convenience store for the cheap noname cola and a bag of chips or something? Perhaps this is just me and i've simply turned a blind eye to the aspects of this counterculture that i find less enjoyable. On the other hand, maybe everyone just needs to mellow out, and take the time to think more about their lyrics.
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