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Old 07-24-2007, 05:14 PM   #95 (permalink)
down the rabbit hole
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: the mountain called monkey
Posts: 764

austin voted over 50% for *** rights in texas. there is a large *** community and a larger population that is liberal.

its not like people voted bush in saying "please goto war... we want to **** these people over". it was a bunch of sticky situations that sucked, and the person we thought would represent us well did a ****TY job. obviously when you see that the american public refers to w bush as the worst president and the presidential approval rating is sub 35%... then you can see we dont really like him either.

so i am expecting you to come back and say "well you voted him in twice you damn inbreed christian ***bashers". to that, i hope you will understand it is UNLIKELY for a president to be voted out of office during a war, and there wasnt really strong canidate in the democratic side.

i dont wanna spend my day reading about how ****ed up the government is just so i can make a educated decision about who is the LEAST ****ty candidate. since i find politics terribly corrupt and everyone is scratching each other backs i didnt vote, and i dont plan on voting in the next election. i dont because i dont like people like YOU who hold ME responsible for what the government has done.

besides, as you pointed out... my tiny vote wouldnt matter in the electoral college system when i live in texas. i would probably vote for a third party anyways.... go team green (they support pot right? j/k... no but seriously)

ps - how come you can say *** and mine gets stars damn mods
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