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Old 08-13-2007, 09:11 AM   #57 (permalink)
down the rabbit hole
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: the mountain called monkey
Posts: 764

if you take the definition (or at least from what i understand as the definition) of god, then people should realize that you can neither prove nor disprove his existence. god is suppose to be something that is beyond nature and or comprehension, someone/something that is all powerful. so IF he does exist or IF he doesn't, we have no real way of knowing or proving it... so there is no point in arguing it either way. i understand that people present their views, but don't expect anyone to change their mind or believe you, just hope that if anything they get a better understanding of your reasoning or understanding.

people get the idea that we are so advanced that we can just make bold statements like "god is/isnt real". we are not so advanced to make such a claim, every bit of science that we know is just a really ****ty interpretation of what is really true. you see this as we must constantly adjust are rules and laws that govern it. all of these rules and laws have large assumptions that go along with them, and when you try and apply all the variables that come into play it becomes an impossible unsolvable equation. thus our science is like a stone age tool compared to what is true... in actuality it is much worse than that i just need a concrete example.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
Albert Einstein

to me the idea of these people in history like muhammad, jesus, or any of the 'prophets' are just people who had a very clear interpretation of the universe they existed in. they understood things that nobody has come close to, thats why they amazed people. they tried to express what they could to the people around them and do their best to teach them how to obtain a similar understanding.

the best way i can try and explain it is like this. pretend you could only see in black and white. how could anyone ever explain to you what color is? how could you understand it? well these 'prophets' or 'holy men' had the ability to see color, and they did their best to help color our world for us. in this same statement of respect for those people, i don't think they should be WORSHIPED, but looked up to for guidance.

like i said the problem i have with organized religion is that often the people who profess it and are the 'leaders' often begin to lose the idea of being open minded, and it can become the blind leading the blind. then people only accept what someone tells them as being right and everything else is a sham. i think it is just as big of a sham for everyone to just write off the idea of a god because most modern scientist fail to interpret it. they have failed at a million things in the past and later realized they were wrong... who is to say that cant be the case. science should be more commonly accepted as a simple interpretation to what we can observe/comprehend.

"I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong."
Benjamin Franklin

your relationship with god, if you choose to have one, should be something personal. hopefully you will try and develop it and reach out to others and or these prominent 'prophets' in history who have understood more than most as guidance to your own understanding. always remember to think for yourself, and never take anything as being completely right or wrong. we exist in a shades of gray.

just my 2 cents.
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