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Old 08-18-2007, 09:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I think the first time I listened to it I thought it was just pretty good but I didn't have anything else in wmp and it just cycled through over and over and it crazy grew on me. Probably just me. I don't really see the Pearl Jam comparison.I'm aiming for one a day. Not sure how long it'll hold

Paul Baribeau-s/t

First of all this album is 5 dollars ppd. So if you like it buy it [you cheap ass bastard]. It's on Plan-it-X. This is surely something so refreshing in the world of singer-songwriters. Much more appealing than those other Michigan artists [those of course being Sufjan and Andrew Bird, I much prefer this junk]. Definitely fitting for Plan-it-X but not something you'd necessarily expect from them. This doesn't sound like one of those albums where the guy has been playing an acoustic set since he was 15 years old. I mean the overdone riffs and chord progressions are far and few between if they're anywhere to be found at all. It has that feel that he wants to play in full band but doesn't have the time or the friends. I like stuff that leaves something to the imagination and which every song I kind of wonder how a plugged version would sound. The lyrics are personal, seem sincere enough random, fun, sad and other sorts of stuff. It's clear he's not a one trick pony and well I like it. And it's always a good thing when you can't off the top of your head compare vocal approach with anyone else. My favorite tracks are I thought I could Find You, Strawberry, Blue Eyes and The Pier but I aint shitting you when I say I love every track. I've listened to this album more or less every day for the past two week and I'm really hoping to see him live in two weeks. I'm a crazy sucker for minimilist album art. These are catchy, easy swallow and slightly insightful sing alongs.
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