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Old 08-30-2007, 07:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default When does a rule become a rule?

See the thing with this whole account disabled thing is, how was I meant to know it wasn't allowed? The multiple stickied rules threads make no mention of it, there's no thread about it in the rule forum, the thread in the lounge was started and then dropped down the board to the previous pages during a period when I wasn't checking MB.

So please, inform me were some underqualified, inexperienced, brash powerjunky gets off banning somebody for doing something as a joke response to a post by Big3 (see below for source), when that person has pretty much no way of knowing what they did was wrong unless they're the sort of boring shit who trawls through old posts on forums on the off chance that they missed something groundbreaking.

Also please inform me why, of so many mods, to my knowledge Ethan is the only one who had the balls to mention that Urban was acting like a spoilt powerwhore.

You guys DO realise all it would have taken was a PM saying "this is bad, don't do it", preferably with a link to the thread as backup (I'd normally say that an unstickied (there's a hint in that somewhere) thread is a little more effort than it's worth to dig up to reference, but I suppose Urban had to do it just to show everyone how awesomely massive banpowers makes his penis) and I'd've changed it without a second thought. I mean, I realise it takes longer to write out a PM than it does it ban somebody (genuinely, I know from the times I've spent banning people versus the times I've spent writing them PMs). But get real guys, are you trying to moderate a vibrant internet community, or deciding which kids can have a ride on the merry-go-round based on how good their haircut is?

I suggest you staff grow up and realise that without positive progression and a SERIOUS reassessment of your moderating techniques then the site will stagnate and the members worth keeping around will realise that there are tons of better run forums out there.

P.S. the account disabled rule (if it can be called that, seeing as the thread doesn't explicitly state that it is, just more implies that you find it annoying) is a sign of your poor staff communication and general mistrust of the abilities, openness and levelheadedness of your fellow staff than it is a good way to stop people playing silly buggers. Not least because there are other options when it comes to bans (as Ethan suggested, the strike through; which you struck down) but I suppose changing something to streamline the site and make life easier on you and the members would just be too much damn effort.

Vita brevis,
Occasio praeceps

Last edited by Barnard17; 08-30-2007 at 07:48 PM.
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