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Old 10-13-2007, 01:41 PM   #34 (permalink)
From beyond the grave
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Haven't got as much to say about these 3 so should speed things up a bit.

75. Neutral Milk Hotel- In The Aeroplane Over The Sea- 1998

Neutral Milk Hotel I feel are probably one of the most unique bands I have ever listened to. I got into them after a suggestion from a friend and it took me a while but after some repeat listens I realised exactly how remarkable 'In The Aeroplane Over The Sea' actually is.

There's lo-fi, shoegaze textures, psychedelia and just straight out rock, which is what bizarrely makes this an intriguing listen even if you do not normally like this type of thing. Lyrically it is intense and confusing, this only adds to the strength of the album. Jeff Mangum is a funny chap since this album he has turned into a bit of a Kevin Shields type recluse, when like Shields he could had carried on making brilliant records with his band.

The songs speak for themself really on this record from the poppy Anne Frank tune 'Holland, 1945', to the epic 'Oh Comely and the spectacular 'Two Headed Boy' songs. Songwriting ability interchanged with masterful musical insight makes this album a classic.


Key Songs: Two-Headed Boy, Holland, 1945, Oh Comely

74. Nine Inch Nails- Pretty Hate Machine- 1989

I couldn't decide which NIN album to include so I chose the one which started it all! There's something about NIN which strikes the perfect balance between musical styles whether it be electronic or metal. Their songs are usually both powerful and mysterious. Pretty Hate Machine was released in 1989 years ahead of its time in so many ways.

The bi-polar Trent Reznor focusses sound the angst of the teenage generation into a record with addictive riffs and cleverly worked songs. With lyrics which are mostly based around fantasies and sex and delivered by Mr Reznor, this album hardly falters. Something I Can Never Have has to be mentioned as it stands out as possibly the first ballad in the genre and it is beyond amazing.

The world was not quite ready for NIN in 1989 but in 2007 they are the biggest industrial band in the world. Credit to old Trent really even with the ridiculous gaps there are usually between albums.

Key Songs: Head Like a Hole, Terrible Lie, Something I Can Never Have

73. Foo Fighters- The Colour and the Shape- 1997

Foo Fighers might not be one of the most prolific rock bands but they have been fairly consistent since their birth after the demise of Nirvana in 1994. Dave Grohl got straight to work in 1995 and released the self-titled debut with the solo songs he been writing during the Nirvana era.

In the 1997 the first true Foo Fighters album was released and arguably still their best. Everlong is worthy alone of making this album make the top 100, I have been into the Foos since the 'One By One' era and this song has always stood out to me as one of the greatest of all time. The guitar riff is simply out of this world and the vocals are both desperate and enchanting. They haven't made a song like it since. Aside from Everlong which I could talk about for at least another few paragraphs there are many moments where this album stands out even if it does have some lesser points take the ferocious single 'Monkey Wrench' and the anthemic 'Hey, Johnny Park!' and 'My Hero' for instance.

It is a solid record by very likable band from a very likable band leader in Dave Grohl. One of the best mainstream rock albums of the 90s in my humble opinion.

Key Songs: Everlong, My Hero, New Way Home
"In this Catholic Club they never had the ****ing TV on and I was going, 'That Big Brother, it won't catch on. British people won't watch that ****.' And then they went, at nine o' clock, 'Shh!' and turned the telly on! It was, like, people asleep in bed. To me, I can't understand that. The encouraging thing is, 'You were right all along, Smith: people are stupid." - Mark E Smith
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