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Old 11-14-2007, 01:12 PM   #60 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
And you're not a bright bulb either. The constitution is outdated?? Go **** yourself. The constitution is amendable, and if changes need be made, they can. Who cares what the founding fathers practiced? Shouldn't you be holding a sign that says "rethink thanksgiving?"

Newsflash: Everyone that has ever lived was a ****ty person. This is why government works. We agree on things so that we move towards a collective balance even if we're racist ourselves. Its ugly, but if there were real problems the country would have folded by now. We're making progress and just because we were not born a utopia doesn't mean we're inherently bad.

And what exactly is wrong with Ron Paul, and where did that come from? Because he cites the constitution? Shouldn't he? Its the ****ing law.
a) Thanksgiving is bull****.
b) The very fact that the constitution has 27 amendments implies to me that it's outdated... I mean if you look at the French they've had a ****load of Constitutions, their current one is only fifty years old and they've already amended it 18 times. Either the French have ADD or we're just really stubborn. Both are probably true.
c) The fact that we're all ****ty people is the reason why any sort of socio political economic system will never work perfectly. We'd probably still need one if we were all perfect (whatever the hell that means). That argument had nothing to do with my vague points, however.
d) I dislike Ron Paul because he is the "CHAMPION OF THE CONSTITUTION," which seems ridiculous because it implies you'll disagree with someone else's views or policies simply on the basis of what it says in the constitution. As you yourself pointed out, the whole point is that we can change it so that it fits with social currents, not stick to it regardless of what happens.
e) I am a bright bulb.

Thank you.
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