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Old 11-17-2007, 02:09 PM   #59 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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59. The Fiery Furnances "Gallowsbird's Bark"

I had heard Tropical Ice-land and thought it was a nice song, she had an amazing voice and the music was beautiful. I put off checking them out for a long time, but I noticed the album in a record store and thought 'What the hell? I have the cash' and bought it. I was going to throw in a few sentences to add on to that useless story but thats not interesting to anyone. So to make it short I got it in 05, quit listening to it and got it out again about a month ago. The lyrics are often unpredictable, they're basically skewed sepia vignettes with locations dropped in. The album is full of wonderful experimental pop songs, and is an amazing listening all the way through though the second half of the album is much better. So you can put it on and expect it to get better and better.
Favorite Song: Tropical Ice-land - The Fiery Furnaces - New York, New York - Rock -

58. Animal Collective "Strawberry Jam"

This is my favorite Animal Collective album and it's the album that actually opened the door for me to really really get into them. I'd had Feels for awhile but i'd never fallen in love with it i'd just liked it. So I didn't get Strawberry Jam for awhile (mistake) but when I did I was surprised to find I really liked it. After sleeping with it for a few weeks I put on Feels again and liked it, but not as much as Strawberry Jam. A cookie to you Animal Collective.
Favorite Song: Fireworks - Animal Collective - BALTIMORE, Maryland - Concrete / Soul / Visual -

57. Wilco "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"

Light up a cigarette and get yourself some coffee or alcohol its Wilco time! Gentle acoustic ballads with Tweedy's quirky lyrics but! This time Wilco ventures a bit more and moves from their sound a bit incorporating different elements that some found annoying others found refreshing.
Favorite Song: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart - WILCO - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - Rock / Acoustic / Alternative -

56. Paul Baribeau "Paul Baribeau"

Creating simple, amateur folk songs in vein of singer/songwriters like Daniel Johnston Paul Baribeau would probably make the average folk fan cringe, however thats the charm to it. With his screaming about heartbreak and basic guitar chords hes much more relatable than your Jeff Buckley's of the world.
Favorite Song: When You Go Back To College - Paul Baribeau - Midwest - Folk Rock / Pop / Acoustic -
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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