Music Banter - View Single Post - Better guitarist. Li vs. EVH
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Old 12-19-2007, 11:02 AM   #30 (permalink)
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I have heard Li live, he wasn't that far out. Point remains it's still a pretty big claim that you're making with fuck all to back it up. You reckon Van Halens better, great but use an actual reason as opposed to concocting some bull**** you don't have evidence for.

My vote went for Li btw, primarily because I prefer the stuff he writes (irrelevant or whether or not he actually plays at that speed, or plays well in a gig). As for people waxing lyrical about how metal guitarists have all built on Van Halen, Einstein himself used the phrase "we get where we are by standing on the shoulders of giants" and nobody's debating how smart he is; people build off the progress of others. It's how the world works. Doesn't make them any less worthy of individual recognition
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