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Old 01-06-2008, 08:51 PM   #32 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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I think Opeth fits into this category. They have a huge fanbase, but that leads them to have plenty of detractors. Why?

1.) Many metal fans hate any new metal band which is very popular.
2.) They simply do not understand Opeth. As elitist/snobbish as that may sound, it's true. If you have a band that fuses prog rock, psychedelia and death metal, you're going to come out with an unusual sound. The average death metal fan will think it's strange because he isn't accustomed to prog/psychedelia - he's judging a band which is a fusion of a few genres by the standards of one genre (dm). So, he's not going to understand what all the fuss is about and will probably react negatively.

That's my understanding of it anyway.
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