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Old 01-12-2008, 07:51 AM   #9 (permalink)
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I can't believe I actually read all of that...I should've jotted down the few points I wanted to make as I read it now I have to re-read it again...

I believe that religion and believing in a god/faith are separate things. I don't think that god and heaven are just used by people that are terrified of dying. I believe it gives them hope and a reason to live and carry on. Most people view God and his existence as being related to "good" essentially. Based off of the bible God isn't "good" or "bad" but more so an omnipresent being that helped to spark life. If you read the bible, you can see his many examples of how he can be vengeful despite his good intentions for his creation. I don't even agree with most of the context in the bible anyways because the bible is based off of interpretations of different men and their encounters during a certain period of time. Later on, someone discovered these old text and decided to translate it for us. There definately has to be some material that was lost in translation or translated incorrectly based upon the person translating the text.

Someone mentioned we evolved from a bunch of monkeys but that's not true at all. We evolved from that species that predates neantherdals. I can't recall the name of them at this moment but their mind was very similar to animals, lacking a conscious mind. I don't think we are supposed to get anything. Species evolve over time to adapt to the changes in the environment they occupy. I believe we are here to create a legacy, another notch in history and to procreate, leaving behind us a lineage of our dna.
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