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Old 02-20-2005, 11:06 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber
But the other theory is that it's expanding, but, if it's expanding, then there must be something to expand into, but that something must be nothing. It's that nothing that completely baffles me, like no space, or time, but somehow the universe that has a sense of space and time is expanding into it. So somehow the universe was created and is now expanding, I reason that movement determines time, so the expansion of the universe creates our sense of time.
You're making the error of modelling the universe like a balloon. You partially inflate the baloon, it's a certain size. Blow it up some more and it expands to fill the space around it. The expansion of the universe is the expansion of space-time itself.

The way I understand it (and I'm probably completely wrong) is, everything is expanding (even the atoms etc that make up everything we see). Ah, you say, so why haven't we gotten any bigger? We have. Get a ruler and carrot. Expand both by a constant and measure the carrot. It's the same as before. So how can we measure that the universe is expanding? We don't use a ruler, we use redshift. From our frame of reference galaxies appear to be getting further apart. We can tell this because the wavelength of the emitted light is strecthed toward the red end of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

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