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Old 01-26-2008, 02:27 AM   #20 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 View Post
Well for one thing, I don't trust the opinion of die hard Metallica fans whether they are for or against any of their albums. But that's my own personal feeling about them.

Secondly, no one person's opinion is more important than someone else, despite who they are. Like, say a black man is fighting for his rights, eh? He fails time and time again. Then suddenly a white man stands up and sides with the black man, and all the white bigots realize the error in their ways. They wouldn't listen to the black man's plea for equal rights, but all of a sudden the white man who side him says he should be given equal rights. Suddenly his opinion is more powerful and more important than the black man's. I mean, if HE thinks blacks should be given equal rights, then that means they should, right? No. Despite who says it, black should be given rights. A person's racial or social standing or anything shouldn't define their opinion.

So to all the metallica fans; ya need to shut up and stop acknowledging the fact that they are metallica fans when they talk about how much St. Anger sucks. You saying it isn't going to make it suck anymore than it does. That's Metallica's job and they've done a damn good one at that.

Honestly, I just re-read this, and can't believe how big of a deal it's been made into. So to conclude, I'm sorry.
lol. all I was saying is that the point that even a Metallica fan can't force himself to like it is a strong indication that there's not much for anybody else there either.
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