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Old 01-26-2008, 10:11 PM   #45 (permalink)
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I think that Hitler seems to be the easy answer. He was responsible for the loss of countless lives. He seemed to be strictly evil. Please don't think that I am defending Hitler, but he wasn't all bad. In everything that he did, his intent was to create a better Germany. He fought for the "Fortress Europe" do defend his people. He wished for the "perfect race", and attempted to create it. He was a delusional madman with good intentions in his own mind. He cared for his people and did what he felt was best for them. Was he evil, your god damn right he was. He will go down in history as one of the most evil men of all time.
Hitler was nothing compared to Stalin. Stalin imprisoned his entire country. He exploited communism for his own gain. He cut off regions from any supplies forcing cannibalism. Parents ate their own children to survive because the hunger drove them insane. Millions were sent to the gulags to work to death, which luckily didn't take long. He replaced all religion with himself. Pictures of Christ were replaced with pictures of him. Anyone that he even thought opposed him faced death. The list goes on and on. Did he do these things to better his country? No, it was all to preserve himself. Every evil thing he did was for himself. When looking for anything good that Stalin did, I draw a blank. The difference is that Stalin was behind closed doors.
Both men were evil beyond imagination. No amount of good deeds could ever redeem their souls. I don't think that one can be more evil than the other. Evil is evil, there are no degrees.

I seem to have contradicted myself. I still believe that Stalin was a worse person, not due to his "evilness". As an example, take a thief. He goes into S-Mart and steals a few movies and some cd's. Is that wrong? Yes. Is there any good intention? Doubt it. Have the same thief steal some cheese and bread to feed his family. Is it wrong? Yes. Is there any good intention? Yes. What Hitler did was in his mind as necessary as providing his family with food and shelter.
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick

I be a lunatic

The answer is hidden in plain view.

Last edited by Predator; 01-26-2008 at 10:21 PM.
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