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Old 01-27-2008, 12:17 AM   #52 (permalink)
Pepper Emergency!
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I see, nevermind my post than.

I don't think many things top systematic murder of a people based on nothing more than their beliefs. Raping children is pretty close but you said distributor, distributing child porn is despicable but it's not worse than the actual act of raping or killing millions of people.
I don't really see how it's worth attributing a value system to things like this. It's almost impossible anyway. The distribution of child porn makes it into something of an underground industry. So is the act of molestation really worse than something which possibly makes the act lucrative and thus increases motivation for performing the act tenfold?

And think of this. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions of people. While Charles Manson was responsible for far fewer deaths, he would have probably caused as many as Hitler had he the chance. I don't think we should rate killers by their statistics. It's kind of a situation where it's best not to give them the satisfaction, I guess.

Let's just all agree that certain things (rape, murder, bubble gum flavored children's Tylenol) are just really bad and it's not really necessary to compare them. At least not on such a grand scale. Obviously the courts need to do so to administer punishments, but the degrees to which these things are to be weighed is an issue too complex and obscure for us to consider in our daily lives. As long as we understand that it's bad...we're all set.
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