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Old 02-09-2008, 02:37 PM   #22 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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Originally Posted by ADELE View Post
Morrissey saw the Pistols at the same gig in Manchester as Tony Wilson and The Buzz****s and many others on that strange night in the seventies including New Order and others and all formed bands as a result but Morrissey took a while to get hold of Marr.
How does that work when it was Marr that got a hold of Morrissey? Are you even aware of what you're talking about? And wouldn't it be more proper to say Joy Division instead? Because somehow I don't picture hook and co. going "Well guys, we just saw the pistols lets form a band, we'll call it New Order" than running into Ian Curtis and going "Okay, lets ride this Joy Division thing for awhile and put New Order on pause for a bit." The gig was no doubt important but you should at least get your facts straight on it.

That is fact. The Clash put their formation down to the Pistols.
Really? Because I've found nothing on that I really don't think they did. Strummer was in the 101ers and Rhodes and Jones were in London SS before the Sex Pistols even formed, so obviously they did nothing to peek their interest in music.

Let's get real, the dolls were trying to be the stones and were not punk. The Stooges were more in line with Alice Cooper in fashion (somewhat) but punk exploded with the Pistols.
Are you talking about punks in terms of fashion now?

I mean punk music not the word punk or the James dean punk type I mean the genre of music.
Than why are you unwilling to credit anyone to it but the Sex Pistols?

And McClaren did more then just get Matlock for christ sake, he auditioned them, got them a deal, gigs created the whole thing. I know it isn't easy for some Americans to accept but we Brits invented what we now call punk. We also invented Rave!
I don't think any one band invented punk and there's much more intelligent arguments you could make it for it. It's pretty hard to tell everyone the Sex Pistols invented it when its common fact McClaren saw with Richard Hell was doing and took it to the UK and we had the Sex Pistols (something which you oddly dodged responding to.)

I can almost already smell the rage and vitirol coming over the pond from Americans whose authors have convinced them that Talking Heads were a punk band ah ha ha!!!! let me have it then!
Despite the fact I've credited it more towards Richard Hell, The Ramones, The Stooges and The New York Dolls...

I actually think the Ramones were the first punk band but that the genre was really made worldwide by the Pistols.
You're not even getting your own argument straight now.

I am only winding them up to get a good response.
So now you openly admit to trolling, good job.

Listen to Bonzo goes to bitburg and Outsider by the Ramones. Love those songs. But they were watching McClaren's moves and getting his ideas in New York.
The Ramones had their own sound well established before the Sex Pistols.

I am not a fan of his in anyway but credit where credit is due. Just like Tony Wilson and the Rave scene. He did literally create a movement. Remember it was all bloody Rod Stewart and Queen and overblown utter Sh**e and heavy metal till out of the blue came the Pistols to utterly explode music into a whole new way of life.
Yes, he created a movement just like Lou Pearlman years later.

We wouldn't be if it wasn't for the pistols. If they didn't exist we would not have a section called punk at all.
You realize the Sex Pistols had virtually nothing to do with that thriving scene in New York in the late 70s right? That scene which the Ramones were apart of?

proto punk as the name suggests comes about after punk was established of there would be nothing to be proto about.
Proto = Before
Post = After

And the bands in the US in the 70's were nowhere near punk in fashion or politics they were not political just junkies who wanted to be like Jagger and Richards what Rotten despised.
Television wanted to be like the Stones? The Ramones, who wanted to be a pop band like the Bay City Rollers, wanted to be like the Stones? Stop making idiotic statements.

No politics in their music at all nothinbg for the kids to latch onto or shout about.
Punk is a genre of music, not a political statement. If this is about politics then lets look to Phil Ochs, Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger who make the Sex Pistols unintelligent anti-queen mess look childish.
The US bands were just in it for money and drugs.
Once again another unfair generalization.

he Jam were more MOD like the Who (two of the best bands ever) but punk is called punk and exists today in forum names and as a genre because of the sex pistols.
Even though it was a term and genre of music before the Sex Pistols?

Why don't people ever accept the reality? Back up your arguements guys if you comment so I can tear your arguements apart!!! Great forum and debate. Keep it coming.
Here's the ironic part seeing as I'm backing up my argument more than you are.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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