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Old 03-08-2008, 11:44 AM   #111 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Posts: 4,708

1. What modern convenience should never have been invented?
The cellphone (see Urban's rant)

2. If you could exchange places with any person from history, no longer alive, who would you want to have been?
Jesus, then i would publish a tell-all autibiography to avoid all the confusion that's stirring up the world today.

3. If you could choose the very last thing you would see before you die, what would it be?
world peace, the full evolution of human conciousness, and the hidden 3-D image in one of those crazy puzzle pictures

4. If you owned a store, what would you sell?
coffee, books, and a clue

5. Do you judge people solely by their musical preferences?
I think "appraise" is a much better word, but no i listen to some crap too.

6. Is it more worthwhile and satisfying to improve the world or appreciate the world?
contrary to popular opininion, i feel the latter must preceed the former. If you feel your living in a world of poo, then "As a man thinketh....

1) If you could give everyone else in the world a disability you didn't have to suffer, what would it be?
Delusional optimism

2) Do you like who you are?
Very much so!

3) Do you have pets?
2 cats 1 dog

4) Have you come close to dying?

5) If you could travel to any place at any point in time, where & when would you go?
Here and now

6) Are you a collector of anything?

1) What's the smartest thing you've ever done?
Marry my wife

2) If you could have one super-power what would it be?
to freeze time for everyone but me (ala Click)

3) What's your favorite ice cream flavour?
Pumkin pie and vanilla with a tasty stout poured on top

4) If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
Buck Shocker (the actual given name of one of my friends)

5) List 5 goals on your life's to-do list
1) make a list of life's to-dos

2) get published

3) make Loads and loads of money (hopefully by getting published)

4) Smile more

5) judge less

6) Do you believe in ghosts?
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