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Old 03-08-2008, 02:17 PM   #113 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: the Wastes
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1. What modern convenience should never have been invented?
I don't know but weren't me meant to have hover cars by now?
Anything that allows you to watch streaming video 'on the go', actually. If you saw somebody on the bus watching Family Guy and chuckling to themselves you would twat them, right?

2. If you could exchange places with any person from history, no longer alive, who would you want to have been?
Emily Brontë's boyfriend. If I were a boyfriend of the time-travelling variety I would warp us to the late 60's and start a toytown-psychedelia band called Brontësaurus.
Or Frank Zappa.

3. If you could choose the very last thing you would see before you die, what would it be?
Our sun going supernova. Something with explosions and ****

4. If you owned a store, what would you sell?
In a parallel universe I would be earning a good living selling records. Hard copies, in this day and age! Crazy.

5. Do you judge people solely by their musical preferences?
Ofcourse not, but if it's somebody who professes to be a bit of a music buff then I will judge them accordingly.

6. It is more worthwhile and satisfying to improve the world or appreciate the world?
What's to appreciate? If you can change anything you should, even if it's just the way you see the universe, maaan.

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her
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