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Old 03-08-2008, 11:40 PM   #118 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Klamath Falls, OR
Posts: 452

1. What modern convenience should never have been invented?
The Segway

2. If you could exchange places with any person from history, no longer alive, who would you want to have been?
Alfred Hitch****

3. If you could choose the very last thing you would see before you die, what would it be?
World peace? I don't know, this question is a tough one

4. If you owned a store, what would you sell?
Independent films.

5. Do you judge people solely by their musical preferences?
Not solely. But generally you can tell a lot about people on their tate in music, film, books, etc. Uninteresting and stupid people seem to mostly listen to uninteresting and stupid music.

6. It is more worthwhile and satisfying to improve the world or appreciate the world?
Improve, but you have to take some time to appreciate it to.

And I'm doing the older one's too just for fun.

1) What was the best concert you have been to?
I've never been to a real concert

2) Are you old enough to vote?
I wish. I'm two months too young to vote in the next U.S. presidential election.

3) If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
I'd not have Aspergers syndrome.

4) What is your most prized possession?
My videocamera

5) What has been the highlight of your life so far?
Meeting an actaul filmmaker.

6) What are you going to do on your next day off?
watch some films

1) If had to lose either your vision or your hearing, what would it be and why?
Hearing. I want to be either a film director, editor, or D.P. If I lost my hearing I couldn't direct, and I could only edit
video without sound, but I could still become a D.P.

2) Which digit is most aesthetically pleasing ? (0-9, not yr fingers plz)

3) Who are your greatest influences in life (family, musical and non-musical)?
My parents (family). Daft Punk (Musical). Alfred Hitch**** (Non-musical)

4) What is your current/future career?

5) Where are your ancestors from?
Mostly European (Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, and a tiny bit British and French), but I'm also
10% Cherokee Indian

6) Should peanut butter be crunchy or smooth?

1) If you could give everyone else in the world a disability you didn't have to suffer, what would it be?
I'd say Aspergers, but I have to suffer that. So i'd have to say depression.

2) Do you like who you are?
Not all that much

3) Do you have pets?
One dog

4) Have you come close to dying?
My dad fell asleep once when he was driving because of low-blood sugar, and we drifted into oncoming traffic. That was
the closest i've evr come to dying

5) If you could travel to any place at any point in time, where & when would you go?
Where I live now, only when I was seven or so so I could talk to myself and give myself a heads up.

6) Are you a collector of anything?
rare films

1) What's the smartest thing you've ever done?
It's a long story, but basically when I was in the eigth grade I did something that vastly improved my life.

2) If you could have one super-power what would it be?
The ability to gain other people's knowledge instantly.

3) What's your favorite ice cream flavour?
Mint chip with cherry

4) If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

5) List 5 goals on your life's to-do list
1. Make a film/Become a filmmaker
2. Overcome my social awkwardness
3. Become a better writer
4. Make more friends/Have a relationship someday
5. Get in better shape. I'm in decent shape right now, but I could be a whole lot better.

6) Do you believe in ghosts?

Last edited by RoemerMW; 03-09-2008 at 12:04 AM.
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