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Old 03-16-2008, 01:18 AM   #147 (permalink)
Predator's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 344

1) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?

The mansion from Silver Spoons.

2) What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

I must have a mental block because I don't remember being really embarrassed. If I remember I'll edit.

3) Where were you on September 11, 2001?

I was in the Army on a training deployment to Ft. Carson, Colorado which is at the bottom of Cheyenne Mountain. The entire base went on alert. I skipped breakfast that morning to sleep a little extra in the van. The radio was on and I thought it was a war of the worlds kind of thing because it seemed so unlikely. I changed the station and found the same thing. I ran into the mess hall to find everyone else and there were about 500 soldiers standing in front of a TV watching the news. I turned and walked out the door and noticed that everyone was armed. Looked around at the hill tops and saw air defense systems all over the place. it was the most surreal day of my life.

4) What was the last thing you regret buying?

Not sure. I regret buying tickets to see The Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy

5) What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

When I was about 10 or 11, our neighbors had a cat that would always come into our yard and torment my dogs. One time I found my dog with a bloody eye and we found out that the cat did it. My dog almost lost her eye. I decided to teach the cat a lesson and tie it up in the woods for a few hours. Well, the knot ended up tightening up on the cats neck and strangling it. I think it happened when it was trying to get away. Still to this day, almost 20 years later, I feel terrible for it.

6) If you could ask a psychic one question (knowing you would get a true answer) what would you ask?

Winning powerball numbers, duh.
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick

I be a lunatic

The answer is hidden in plain view.
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