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Old 03-22-2008, 10:52 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post

I'm not going to bother responding to your post because you're still doing the same arrogant crap jackhammer accused you of. You have your facts wrong and I don't feel like correcting them to you because as you've proven it's a useless thing to do.
You don't need to you can just write the best selling album of all time and get critical aclaim as you have the inspiration of the whole history of mankind.
You can't comment a single thing about the floyd because you don't know anything about them because if you did you would as you never failed to before.
Jalen is the only moderator who is balanced and is both objective and fair not making sweeping statements.
Still, you do have a great forum here and probably the best on the web so you can't be too bad.
Maybe some other people should debate the floyd and the issues about the floyd.
Did you know that Water's can't write another Floyd song by law or perform most of them live? Unless Gilmour says so.
And did you know that Floyd are making one last album as we speak?
This means Waters and Gilmour have burried the hatchet.
The album is going to be about death and later generations to come.
Good old floyd, always singing about frivilous topics!!
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