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Old 04-04-2008, 03:08 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen View Post
What a load of blatant tosh. What does "invoking a lot of meaningful emotion" have to do with music?
I can't believe you devalue the significance of emotion in music and then criticize (just sentances later) my appreciation of art.

Music isn't inherently supposed to be evocative of emotion - though some music may be geared towards that. Music can be many things. It can be humorous, fun, witty, intelligent, psychedelic, philosophical, narrative, political, satirical, or emotional - whatever the artist decides that it should be. That's the great thing about music - there is an endless scope of possibilities.
There are allot of different purposes for music, something needs to be played in an elevator to relieve (at least a little bit) the generally stale atmosphere at a hotel of bussiness office. But I wouldn't value elevator music on the same level as music that inspires feeling and emotion.

That it needs to be narrowed down to a small subset of things in your view
Oh yes, passionate meaningful music is such a small, insignificant subset of music, totally.

shows just how very limited your understanding and appreciation of art is.


You also made the whole "more than just psychedelic" argument. This tells me, as it does in the case of anybody else who talks of the Bealtes in such terms, that you have hardly even listened to the band or else are totally unfamiliar with their material. Psychedelia was a tiny tiny part of the Beatles discography. They were much MUCH more experimental, both musically and lyrically, that either you know or given them credit for.
Except the part where I was raised listening to the Beatles by the biggest Beatles fan on Earth.

But alas. You have no notion to take any notice. Go listen to Godsmack.
I am listening to Godsmack, they actually put passion and meaning into thier music which is why I like them so much. You can go listen to your little teeny bop "I want to hold your hand" Bullshit fine, but I have more significant movements in my bowels than listening to lame pop music.
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