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Old 04-09-2008, 03:52 PM   #181 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen View Post
I know full well why you brought up RATM.
No, you don't.

Yes, they did claim to symbolize anti-corporate leftism. Which seems fairly at odds with being signed to Epic, a subsidiary of SONY RECORDS.
I don't really care I'm not defending RATM

It's all image, mate. If you buy into it, you're a sucker.
And Oomph isn't promoting an image, nor are they promoting a cause or political movement. They are creating thier music completely with artistic integrity and genuity. There is nothing misleading about thier music people don't listen to 'Oomph' to symbolize a political cause or some image, people listen to oomph because they ENJOY THIER MUSIC.

And apparently, you have.
Want to know how I found Oomph? A few years ago I was about 13, I just started listening to Metal. I was on wikipedia looking at different bands, I started with Metallica, at some point I found a NIN song on limewire that I liked but it was actually a mislabeled Rammstein song. So I liked this 'industrial metal' stuff and looked up rammstein on wiki, it said somewhere on thier page that one of thier biggest inspirations was 'oomph', so I downloaded a few of thier songs and fell in love with them.

I didn't fall in love with an image, a political badge or whatever, I just onestly love thier music.

Any band signed to a major label CANNOT POSSIBLY be anti-corporate, that's about as much of a paradox as you can get. Anybody serious about being anti-corporate and against the system would be with a tiny underground label and "staying real" so to speak - or alternatively, no label at all.
Oomph isn't 'anti-corporate', anti-corporate is a political badge, Oomph has nothing of the sort. They aren't pro-corporate, anti-corporate, they are purely artistic expression.

Furthermore, if Oomph were with a tiny label I guarantee you would probably have never heard of them
I might have (see above)

at least not prior to the myspace digital era. I'll guarantee as a certainty one thing, anyway: it may not be possible, but if you were to go down the chain of links that it took to finally reach you, you'd eventually inevitably come across somebody or something which was reached via their corporate label marketing prowess. No freakin' doubt about it.
That doesn't mean the band is a sell out, you are essentially implying that there is no such thing as a band that isn't corporate sell out, except bands I've never heard of. You don't think any moderately popular bands aren't sell outs just because they are signed to a record label?
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