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Old 04-13-2008, 03:05 PM   #33 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by bruise_violet View Post
How the hell can you say it is OK to be in possession of child porn? you are saying it is OK to rape small children?
Having a picture or a movie of something is different than actually doing it. I mean, by your logic you can't own a movie where someone gets murdered because its the same as murdering someone. See how absurd that is? Also, I never said rape is OK. Rape is never OK because it harms a non-consenting party.

OK you say the method of making childporn is wrong but it's still ok?
Yes, given the right culture and society it wouldn't be wrong. We don't view 7 year olds as old enough to consent but if there were a culture that viewed 7 year olds as adults and capable of consenting I wouldn't consider it contextually wrong for someone to have consensual sex with a 7 year old.

You seem like an extremely messed up person who is trying to have such extreme views because you are such a deeply intellectual person, give me a ****ing break.
Thanks for calling me a deeply intellectual person.

Pedophilia and other sexual crimes are rarely about wanking or sexual enjoyment. It's about power, control, being generally disturbed amongst other things.
Moot point. We're talking about the social and legal points therein, not the psychology behind it.
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