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Old 04-13-2008, 05:09 PM   #59 (permalink)
Miltamec Soundsquinaez
Aural melody discerner
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Well, obvioulsy Sweden won't be considered the greatest, because they don't have nearly enough people to have the strong military that we do, or GDP.

There seems to be something wrong with our system, and the entire political system, because generally dishonest people are attracted to politics, and are able to rise up the ranks of the 2 party system. Also, many politicians are lawyers before they become politicians. It just pisses me off that lawyers lie for a living, and once you've been doing that, and lying becomes you're trademark, or way of life, you don't even see anything wrong with it anymore.
What it will take is the recognition, by the average person, to see a complete scumbag, and say, I don't want that guy in office. But we are unable to distinguish scumbags, I think, because of our own dishonesty.
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