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Old 04-25-2008, 04:59 PM   #167 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
Yeah I wasn't claiming otherwise but that would make selling a factor of popularity.
Selling is not a factor of popularity, popularity is a factor of selling. The effect of selling on popularity is invariable, if you sell alot you have to be popular (unless you can conceive how one would sell without being popular). Popularity is not invariable of selling however, you can be popular with varying degrees of selling, including not selling anything at all.

Yeah I did I didn't come up with much and none of it was related to music. Quit dodging who your sources were, if they're so credible you shouldn't be so embarrassed to say who they were should you?
I told you who they are, it's right there in the citation.

General - Definitions from

"of or pertaining to all persons or things belonging to a group or category: a general meeting of the employees."

The dictionary disagrees with you oh so smart one.
Also from

of, pertaining to, or true of such persons or things in the main, with possible exceptions; common to most; prevalent; usual: the general mood of the people.
Which would make selling a biproduct of popularity which kind of debunks your point doesn't it?
BY-products are unwanted, unintended, extra products. Selling is exactly what they want, selling is the product.

I repeat, the dictionary>you.
I repeat: Dictionary = me

That you don't make money off of album reviews...quite simple?
But they do. Good album review = incentive/advertisements = sales.

lol comprehension*
Shoddy spelling > poor reading comprehension*

Nsync broke up six years ago they don't really represent anything modern do they? As for Britney Spears I think its unfair to set her as the bar for pop music seeing as the media thinks shes nothing but a joke now.
A. I don't recall mentioning Nsync.
B. They do none-the-less represent this 'era' of pop music. Videos/appearence/selling is more importaint than the music.
C. I didn't set her AS the bar, it's her AMONG many other musicians like her.

If you're going to discuss a genre of music you have to discuss its history and when its history was very pop-punk then it comes into play. Why is this such a hard concept for you to grasp? We we're discussing the 70s anyway, not the 60s. Once again showing your ignorance.
The fact that there was pop-punk in punks history means nothing. We went over this. Pop-punk is NOT the same thing as punk, as you agree'd, so it doesn't pertain to any thing I'm trying to say.

Um...I don't see how past/present references comes into play here at all...but the dictionary still disagrees with you that general doesn't mean yeah...
It agrees with what I've said, it doesn't really matter anyway we both know what I meant when I said 'In general'. If you misunderstood what I meant I hope you understand now and we can get back to the main point.
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